It is desolate. And it is windy. Really, really windy. The yellow landscape you see below is what we saw, almost all we saw, for two 12-hour days riding on a bus. Oh, and we did see some guanacos (same family as the llama) every once in a while.
It was two days of seeing a lot of the same (we also did a tour the morning of day 2, which Jesse will talk about in a later post). The Ruta made me appreciative for the modern highway systems of North America, but at the same time, a bit nostalgic for all the adventure left behind when we modernize, change, and transform classic, ancient journeys and turn them into efficient, tourist machines. I'd like to go back 40 years and travel along la cuarenta back then; it must have been the most desolate stretch of road imaginable, the type of road that makes you do a little soul-searching.
If you would like more information on the ruta 40, the following websites have some info.
The first link has one journalist's trip along la cuarenta, although he did not travel the same section that we did. His journey was a little bit easier!
And if you are interested in factual information, wikipedia site
Finally, one last person's experience on the road; he writes a bit more eloquently than I.
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