The reason I wanted to see Boca Juniors play is that they are probably the most famous (club) soccer team from South America and have had some extremely famous players including no less than Diego Maradona himself. Tickets are very difficult to get because all the tickets in the 49,000 seat stadium belong to "socios" or members of the club and apparently there are more members than actual seats. Our 2 options for going to the game were getting tickets through a sort of travel/tourist agency for more than $100 to sit in the 3rd level visitor's section and have stuff thrown at us all game or to do what people say you shouldn't and venture down to the neighborhood and try to find some "reventas" or tickets from scalpers while dodging the plague of fake tickets that apparently exist.
Thinking that it would probably be safe enough since Boca was playing a smaller team (Tigre from another neighborhood in Buenos Aires) and the crowd wouldn't be violent or dangerous. Despite some policemen looking us over, deciding we were tourists who were vulnerable, and basically telling us to leave the area we were able to find some tickets. After wandering around the stadium area for 20 minutes trying to figure out how to get close since the police had the entire area closed off and you couldn't get within 2 blocks of the place unless you had tickets to the game, a guy approached us and asked if we were looking for tickets. We said yes and he told us to follow him to a more safe spot to show them to us... and yes this did sound as sketchy to us as the time as it sounds here now. After walking over to a different street he showed us the tickets under his jacket after looking around carefully and told us that we shouldn't let people see us buying them from him because people get killed for selling their tickets. (Alex and I both think he was exaggerating just a bit) He sold us the tickets for double face value but that was OK because it only ended up being about $20 each. We waited in line for a while with him and once the police opened up the stadium area we walked on in and found some seats under the overhang so the visiting crowd above us wouldn't shower us with unknown liquid substances the entire game.
Short video here showing some of the chanting of the fans during the end of the first half of the game. For those of you who don't habla espanol the main idea is they are basically saying that the team should "poner un poquito mas de huevos" which roughly translates to "put a little bit more balls (testicles)" meaning try harder. Yes I find it funny too.
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