We will be interviewing tomorrow with various schools from around the world and then will hopefully be faced with the difficult decision of where to take our lives for the next 2 years. Current candidates include Chile, Peru, Mexico, Ecuador, Paraguay, Bolivia, Korea, China, and the UAE. Any input from readers on where we should go and why would be welcomed and we of course will post as soon as we have made a decision.
On the way up here yesterday however, we had our 3rd encounter with a famous person at the San Pedro Sula airport. Now as some of you know, SPS is not the capital of Honduras but it does have the country's major international airport. Tegucigalpa is the capital but tha airport there is one of the most dangerous in the world as evidenced by the plane that crashed off the end of the runway there last year.
That results in everybody who wants to leave Honduras by air doing so through SPS... including famous people. Last year on our way to Roatan we met Carmen Jara who is evidently a pretty famous Mexican singer as evidenced by her website http://www.carmenjara.com/

That same day while stuck at the airport for several hours we met the reigning Ms. El Salvador and I got my picture taken with her.

Yesterday we noticed a bunch of photographers gathered around a guy who was signing autographs and I guessed that he was probably a soccer player because that seems to be the only reason people in this country would get that much attention. I was correct... he is a player for the national team named Walter "Peri" Martinez and was on his way to join his new team in the Spanish leagues. Here are 2 Honduran newspaper articles about the event of him leaving at the airport if you care to read them: http://www.laprensa.hn/Deportes/Ediciones/2009/01/29/Noticias/Quiero-saltar-a-primera and http://www.diez.hn/Legionarios/Ediciones/2009/01/29/Noticias/Peri-viajo-con-su-mochila-de-la-suerte-a-Espana Of course Alex and I had to get our picture taken with him to remember the moment.

1 comment:
I hate you. I want to me large breasted women and soccer players.
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