Sunday, November 9, 2008

A Saturday Afternoon and Date Night in SPS

During Saturday afternoon, Dan (fellow teacher and Wisconsinite) organized a friendly soccer game for the foreign hire teachers and some Honduran friends. It was a blast. Granted I have never played soccer outside of a PE class, same goes for Jesse, there were quite a few people out playing who are not what you could call outstanding soccer players. There were quite a few instances of trying to block a kick with hands raised high in volleyball fashion, or running to the ball, stopping, then kicking it. It was a fun way to spend time with other teachers and Hondurans that we don't see very often. It is quite a humbling experience to play a game that you are not very good at.

After returning home, dirty, sweaty, and sore, Jesse and I decided to continue on our scheduled date night. We went to this restaurant called "Dino's" which a middle school teacher's mom's boyfriend owns and operates. It was a fantastic Italian meal. After sharing a Cesar salad, and purchasing a bottle of Merlot, I received my ravioli and Jesse got his pesto. This restaurant is one a fancier restaurant in the city, and the restaurant is surrounded by gardens where the restaurant owner grows all his own spices for his entrees. My ravioli was absolutely delicious and I told Jesse that we definitely need to return to this place. Afterwards, we went to Baskin-Robbins for some ice cream, headed home and watched the movie "Ray" on TV (since we now have cable, watching TV is actually an option.)

We have decided, however nice it is to sit at home and relax on the weekends, we're both ready for another traveling weekend, which unfortunately, won't be occurring until Thanksgiving weekend.

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